Lookup Functions

Definitions of Excel Hlookup() and Vlookup() Functions
  • Hlookup Function Example 1
    View an example of Excel’s Hlookup Function executing a horizontal lookup on a table of demographic data related to cities in Monterey County.
  • Hlookup Function Example 2
    View an example of Excel’s Hlookup Function used to lookup up a rating for a blood pressure reading from a table arranged for horizontal lookups.
  • Vlookup Function Examples 1
    View examples of Excel’s Vlookup Function used to lookup Sales Tax rates for cities in Monterey County from a table arranged for vertical lookups. This is an example of an EXACT MATCH lookup, vs a RANGE lookup.
  • Vlookup() Function Example 2
    View an example of Excel’s Vlookup Function used to look up a rating for a blood pressure reading from a table arranged for a vertical lookup. This is an example of a RANGE lookup (vs an EXACT MATCH lookup).
  • Lookup Challenges 1
    Challenge yourself to effectively use Excel’s Vlookup and Hlookup functions, looking up values for two different cities from three different tables. Then, watch the solution.
  • Introduction to Lookup Type Functions
    An introduction to using the Excel lookup functions VLOOKUP() and HLOOKUP() in a context that includes genuine Monterey County and US data.