Date Type Functions Challenge 1

Challenge yourself to use Excel’s Date type functions: Today, Day, Month, Year, and Date to find useful dates and ages related to a set of famous people, given their birthdates.

Illustration of a spreadsheet with the birthdates and some other relevant values related to some famous people.
Transcript(click to view)
Welcome to Excel Intuition’s

first Date functions challenges video. 
I highly recommend you download your own copy of  

this workbook because you’re going to want to try 
this on your own before you watch the solutions.  

Suzanne here, and I’m going to jump to the 
Date Calcs on Birth Dates  

Worksheet. So here we are. We have a date exercise 
using a small selection of present and past  

world leaders and each of the names has a link 
going to a website that gives more information  

about this person. But, what we’ve got for 
our exercise: we have the birth dates, the  

year they became a world leader, and then 
some different calculations to complete.

To start things off we want to 
enter a function for today’s date. 

So, I’m going to click into this cell and enter 
“=Today()” and the Today() function has no arguments.  

And we see that this is April 6, 2023 
when this video is being recorded. 

So the first thing we want to do — the goal —
is to be able to get the approximate  

when each of these people became a world leader.  

And then, if they have passed 
away, the age at which they died.  

And if they’re alive: what their current 
age is, what their birthday is this year, 

and what their half year birthday would 
be following the birthday this year. 

And then I think maybe we’ll add one more:
has their birthday passed already this year?  

That might be a good thing to also do in 
this example. So, first to get the birth year  

we’re going to use the Year() 
Function applied to their birth date.

Then the birth month, we’ll use the Month() 
Function applied to their birth date,

and the day of month they were born is 
the Day() function applied to their birth dates.

And we can

put that function down the 
column for each of those columns,

then we want to calculate the approximate age each

became a world leader. And we’re 
going to do that just by subtracting

the year they became a world leader,
subtracting their birth year, from that year. So

G7 in the first row minus D7.

The year they became a leader 
minus the year they were born.

Now, if we want to calculate the age 
at which they passed away we only  

want to show a value in this column if 
we have a value in the death date column. 

So in this case we’re going to go ahead and 
use an IF() function and our Isblank() function.

We’re checking to see if it’s 
blank in the death date column. 

If it IS blank, then we are going to put 
the age at death to also be blank, which  

is just “” for an empty value in the 
cell. Otherwise we want to subtract the year —

We want to start with the 
year at which the person died  

and subtract from that the 
year that they were born,

to get the approximate age of death.

And then we need to close, okay I 
think that’s gone so we’re blank here

we only have an approximate age of death for 
two of these people and Nelson Mandela was  

approximately 95 when he passed away,

and Shinzo Abe was 68. Now —

that was very recent — just this 
past year when Shinzo Abe passed away. Now if they’re  

alive we want to calculate their current age, 
and we’re going to do a similar IF() function. If

the date is blank,

then we

presume they’re still alive because we 
don’t have a date there and so we’re  

going to calculate their current age and 
we’ll do that by taking the YEAR of today,

the year of today’s date and subtracting from 
that the birth year of the individual. 

Otherwise we want to leave this cell 
empty because they haven’t passed away.

And we’re doing something wrong, 
and what are we doing wrong:  

we have to put an absolute value on the 
year of today because it is in ONE place

and we don’t want it to change when we 
copy that formula down the column. So,  

I’m going to use my F4 key to put dollar 
signs in front of the column and the row

and we’ll try again.

So these look — we want to always 
check and see if our values that we’re  

getting as a result make sense and we see 
that all three of these individuals were  

born the same year so it makes sense 
that their current age is similar.

Now, if we want to get the birthday this year, 
this is a chance to use our Date() function.  

We want the year

of today

and this is where we want to 
remember to use the F4 key

so that we put the same

value in each row of this column.

And then we want the month for 
the person in the current row,  

and we want the day of month for 
the person in the current row.

So June 1st, 2023 for someone 
born June 1st, 1975 makes sense.

And now we can go another step further and say 
half year birthday following this year’s birthday.

And I’m going to also do this one from 
the beginning: the Date() function, the year  

of today’s date,

absolute reference,

and then the month of the person’s 
birthday but this time adding 6 to that, 

six months in the future of this year’s birthday, 
and then the day of the person’s birthday.

So we see that this one is 
actually still in the same year

as is this one because the 
birthdays are early enough.

But then some of these are in 2024.  

Now let’s add one more column here: 
Has the birthday passed already?

We’ll format it to look

like the one cell next to it. Now we want to know, 
is this birthday already passed this year? And

we’re just going to

um say yes, if it’s already 
happened or even if it’s today.  

So, only if the birthday this year is greater 
than today’s date are we going to say “No.” 

If it is today’s date, we’re just going to say that 
it has passed because we’re only going to have two  

outcomes “Yes” or No.” We’re not going to have a 
different outcome for the birthday being today.  

So I’m going to go ahead and 
format this, with some grid lines

and we’ll put a function in here: If this birthday

is greater than today’s date

then the birthday has not passed

else yes the birthday has passed,

because the dates in 
the future are higher values than  

the present date and dates in the past 
are lower values than the present date.  

So, if the birthday this year is greater than 
today’s date then the birthday has not passed  

yet. And we have to remember to put an absolute 
reference on the reference to today’s date.

But we want to still have a relative reference 
to the birthday of this person in this row.  

So the birthday hasn’t passed yet for 
someone whose birthday is on June 1st

the only person whose birthday has passed 
is the person who was born in January,

Mateo renzi from Italy.

And that’s the end of this Date 
Function Challenge. We have a second  

Date Function Challenge: looking at 
expiration dates – calculations. Thank you.